Getting the Most From Your iPhone and Google Pt 1

iPhones are cool, but recently I remembered how thankful I am for how my iPhone keeps me organized.  At the top of my list is the synchronization of contacts, calendar and mail with my phone and Google Apps.  This can require a little set-up but once it is done, it will change your life.  When I got my last iPhone, I connected up with my Google Account while walking from the Apple Store to the Mall exit and before I left, my phone had synchronized all of my contacts, my calendar and my email.  For all intents and purposes, my phone was now completely functional for all of my organizational needs and I had owned it less than 15 minutes.

iPhone provides pretty good support for syncing mail and calendar to Gmail accounts, but to get your contacts to sync as well requires a few extra steps.  I ran across a great article today on to get your contacts synced as well.  It is definitely worth checking it out.

This post is part of their series on Emailable Tech Support.  I’ll be highlighting more of these articles in future posts, but to access their archive, use this link

Here are some Google topics I would like to cover in the future.

  • Consolidating all of your email addresses and accounts into a Super Gmail Account
  • The power of IMAP — How to simplify your email retrieval
  • Creating a Google Apps account for your family
  • Family Calendaring
  • Using filters and labels in Gmail
  • Delete it or Archive it?

Let me know if there’s something here that piques your interest or if there’s other topics you’d like me to address.

One final note, if you don’t have a Gmail account, get one.  You can still use your other email address, but don’t waste the opportunity to sync your life with Google’s great tools.  Don’t wait to get your life in sync.

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